Queen P’s latest work, Mood Swings, is a poetry book that explores the various moods we tend to express as we travel along our life’s path. It opens us up to our true feelings while speaking our minds without hiding behind the shadows. We all have mood swings. This is my poetic interpretation of how we present ourselves while we’re going through those uncertain moments. Hopefully, this book will enable you to take a look at yourself to see exactly how well you handle things during that moment of uncertainty, which could then put you in a mood.

When The Mood Is Right – A Rebirth When The Mood Is Right: A Rebirth, is the third and final installment of my spiritual journey. In this book, you will find a collection of poems that lead to a path of newness, oneness and new beginnings. You will also recognize a few poems from my previous books, When The Mood Is Right: A Poetry Journey, and Mood Swings because they fit into the essence of my independence. It gives clarity and confirmation with what I need and want out of life with the understanding that when one door closes another door will open.

You Are Amazing – An activity children’s book that helps today’s young ones understand that they are important and very special, no matter what nationality or country that they’re from. Our children are to never forget that they are amazing! So, have your child or children get their coloring pencils together, and let’s have fun coloring toward the end of this book. You Are Amazing!